# Cross Platform

If you simply want to verify how NoSmoke works, there is a fast way to do it. Copy the following sections of code and save it as a .yml file. Run your code with the instruction given previously . You will see how the NoSmoke app-crawler performs on Macaca Demos

# Configuration For iOS

For iOS, instead of using app param, for using app which has already been installed, you can specify bundleID as well, like: bundleId: '${your-package-name}' . You can get the bundleId in the plist file of your .ipa bundle.

# 1. Initialisation option
  platformName: 'iOS'
  deviceName: 'iPhone 6 Plus'
  app: 'https://npmcdn.com/ios-app-bootstrap@latest/build/ios-app-bootstrap.zip'

# 2. Crawling option
  strategy: 'ocr'
  platform: 'ios'
    - 'please input password'

# Configuration For Android

For Android, instead of using app param, you can specify package as well, like: package: '${name-of-package}' for using app which has already been installed. You may get the list of package names installed on android device like: adb shell 'pm list packages -f'

# 1. Initialisation option
  platformName: 'android'
  autoAcceptAlerts: false
  app: 'https://npmcdn.com/android-app-bootstrap@latest/android_app_bootstrap/build/outputs/apk/android_app_bootstrap-debug.apk'

# 2. Crawling option
  strategy: 'ocr'
  platform: 'android'
    - 'please input password'
Last Updated: 4/22/2022, 3:25:34 PM