# Continous Integration

Based on previous information we have provided, we have talked about how to install, customize nosmoke testing via hooks and configuration files. Here is the last step in the series of documents, where you can see how a living CI instance of NoSmoke is scripted.

# Before Run:

Before run, you may terminate the process which occupies the current process id and then start macaca service and

lsof -i :${process-port-which-you-need-to-close} | awk '{print $2}' | tail -1 | xargs kill -9

# For Android

Ensure you have setup macaca server first.

macaca server --verbose -p 3554 &

Then execute the following command to start the crawling process.

nosmoke -s -c ${path-of-file}/crawler.config-android.yml \
        -h ${path-of-file}/hooks-android.js \
        --server http://localhost:3554 \
        -p 3564

# For iOS

Ensure you have setup macaca server first.

macaca server --verbose -p 3684 &

Then execute the following command to start the crawling process.

xcrun simctl launch booted com.apple.springboard
xcrun simctl terminate booted com.apple.test.XCTestWDUITests-Runner
xcrun simctl terminate booted ${your-bundle-id}   # bundle id of your current app.

sleep 2

nosmoke   -s --server http://localhost:3684  \
          -h ${path-of-file}/hooks-ios.js \
          -c ${path-of-file}/crawler.config-ios.yml \
          -p 3694

After this is executed, the report file will be generated at the dir where the script has been executed.

Last Updated: 4/22/2022, 3:25:34 PM