Source code for macaca.webdriver

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# WebDriver Protocol Implemenation

from base64 import b64decode

from retrying import retry

from .asserters import is_displayed
from .command import Command
from .locator import Locator
from .remote_invoker import RemoteInvoker
from .util import add_element_extension_method, value_to_key_strokes, value_to_single_key_strokes, fluent
from .webdriverresult import WebDriverResult
from .webdriverexception import WebDriverException
from .webelement import WebElement

[docs]class WebDriver(object): """The WebDriver Object to implement most part of WebDriver protocol. Attributes: session_id(str): A UDID used to uniquely identify each session. capabilities(dict): The capabilities of the driver/browserreturned by remote server. desired_capabilities(dict): The desired capabilities requested by the local end. remote_invoker(RemoteInvoker): The remote invoker responsible for send request. """ def __init__(self, desired_capabilities, url=''): """Initialize the WebDriver Args: desired_capabilities(dict): The desired capabilities requested by the local end. url(str): The url of remote server, default: localhost:3456/wd/hub. """ self.session_id = None self.capabilities = None self.desired_capabilities = desired_capabilities self.remote_invoker = RemoteInvoker(url) def __repr__(self): return '<{0.__name__} (session="{1}")>'.format( type(self), self.session_id) def _execute(self, command, data=None, unpack=True): """ Private method to execute command. Args: command(Command): The defined command. data(dict): The uri variable and body. uppack(bool): If unpack value from result. Returns: The unwrapped value field in the json response. """ if not data: data = {} if self.session_id is not None: data.setdefault('session_id', self.session_id) data = self._wrap_el(data) res = self.remote_invoker.execute(command, data) ret = WebDriverResult.from_object(res) ret.raise_for_status() ret.value = self._unwrap_el(ret.value) if not unpack: return ret return ret.value def _unwrap_el(self, value): """Convert {'Element': 1234} to WebElement Object Args: value(str|list|dict): The value field in the json response. Returns: The unwrapped value. """ if isinstance(value, dict) and 'ELEMENT' in value: element_id = value.get('ELEMENT') return WebElement(element_id, self) elif isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, str): return [self._unwrap_el(item) for item in value] else: return value def _wrap_el(self, value): """Convert WebElement Object to {'Element': 1234} Args: value(str|list|dict): The local value. Returns: The wrapped value. """ if isinstance(value, dict): return {k: self._wrap_el(v) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, WebElement): return {'ELEMENT': value.element_id} elif isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, str): return [self._wrap_el(item) for item in value] else: return value @property def sessions(self): """Gets all the sessions of the webdriver server. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Returns: Return the URL of the current page. """ return self._execute(Command.GET_ALL_SESSIONS)
[docs] @fluent def attach(self, session_id): """Attach to given Session. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: session_id(str): The given session ID Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self.session_id = session_id
[docs] @fluent def init(self): """Create Session by desiredCapabilities Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ resp = self._execute(Command.NEW_SESSION, { 'desiredCapabilities': self.desired_capabilities }, False) resp.raise_for_status() self.session_id = str(resp.session_id) self.capabilities = resp.value
[docs] @fluent def quit(self): """Quit the driver. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.QUIT)
[docs] @fluent def get(self, url): """Loads a web page in the current browser session. Support: Web(WebView) Args: url(str): The URL to navigate to. Returns: WebDriver Object. Raises: WebDriverException. """ self._execute(Command.GET, {'url': url})
@property def current_url(self): """Gets the URL of the current page. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: Return the URL of the current page. """ return self._execute(Command.GET_CURRENT_URL)
[docs] @fluent def back(self): """Back. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.GO_BACK)
[docs] @fluent def forward(self): """Forward. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.GO_FORWARD)
[docs] @fluent def refresh(self): """Refresh. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.REFRESH)
@property def title(self): """Get the current page title. Support: Web(WebView) """ return self._execute(Command.GET_TITLE) @property def current_window_handle(self): """Returns the handle of the current window. Support: Web(WebView) """ return self._execute(Command.GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE)
[docs] @fluent def close(self): """Closes the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.CLOSE)
[docs] @fluent def switch_to_window(self, window_name): """Switch to the given window. Support: Web(WebView) Args: window_name(str): The window to change focus to. Returns: WebDriver Object. """ data = { 'name': window_name } self._execute(Command.SWITCH_TO_WINDOW, data)
@property def window_handles(self): """Returns the handles of all windows within the current session. Support: Web(WebView) """ return self._execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_HANDLES)
[docs] @fluent def maximize_window(self): """Maximizes the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.MAXIMIZE_WINDOW, {"window_handle": "current"})
[docs] @fluent def set_window_size(self, width, height, window_handle='current'): """Sets the width and height of the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Args: width(int): the width in pixels. height(int): the height in pixels. window_handle(str): Identifier of window_handle, default to 'current'. Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_SIZE, { 'width': int(width), 'height': int(height), 'window_handle': window_handle})
[docs] def get_window_size(self, window_handle='current'): """Gets the width and height of the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Args: window_handle(str): Identifier of window_handle, default to 'current'. Returns: A dict contains width and height """ return self._execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_SIZE, {'window_handle': window_handle})
[docs] @fluent def set_window_position(self, x, y, window_handle='current'): """Sets the x,y position of the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Args: x(int): the x-coordinate in pixels. y(int): the y-coordinate in pixels. window_handle(str): Identifier of window_handle, default to 'current'. Returns: WebDriver Object. """ self._execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_POSITION, { 'x': int(x), 'y': int(y), 'window_handle': window_handle})
[docs] def get_window_position(self, window_handle='current'): """Gets the x,y position of the current window. Support: Web(WebView) Args: window_handle(str): Identifier of window_handle, default to 'current'. Usage: driver.get_window_position() """ return self._execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_POSITION, { 'window_handle': window_handle})
@property def context(self): """returns the current context (Native or WebView). Support: Android iOS """ return self._execute(Command.CURRENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE) @property def contexts(self): """returns a list of available contexts Support: Android iOS """ return self._execute(Command.CONTEXT_HANDLES) @context.setter def context(self, new_context): """sets the current context Support: Android iOS """ self._execute(Command.SWITCH_TO_CONTEXT, {"name": new_context})
[docs] @fluent def move_to(self, element, x=0, y=0): """Deprecated use element.touch('drag', { toX, toY, duration(s) }) instead. Move the mouse by an offset of the specificed element. Support: Android Args: element(WebElement): WebElement Object. x(float): X offset to move to, relative to the top-left corner of the element. y(float): Y offset to move to, relative to the top-left corner of the element. Returns: WebDriver object. """ self._execute(Command.MOVE_TO, { 'element': element.element_id, 'x': x, 'y': y })
[docs] @fluent def flick(self, element, x, y, speed): """Deprecated use touch('drag', { fromX, fromY, toX, toY, duration(s) }) instead. Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events. This flickcommand starts at a particulat screen location. Support: iOS Args: element(WebElement): WebElement Object where the flick starts. x(float}: The x offset in pixels to flick by. y(float): The y offset in pixels to flick by. speed(float) The speed in pixels per seconds. Returns: WebDriver object. """ self._execute(Command.FLICK, { 'element': element.element_id, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'speed': speed })
[docs] @fluent def tap(self, element): """Deprecated use element.touch('tap') instead. Single tap on the touch enabled device. Support: Android iOS Args: element(WebElement): WebElement Object to single tap on. Returns: WebDriver object. """ self._execute(Command.SINGLE_TAP, { 'element': element.element_id, })
[docs] @fluent def keys(self, value): """Send a sequence of key strokes. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: value(str|int|list): value can be a string, int or a list contains defined Keys. """ self._execute(Command.SEND_KEYS_TO_ACTIVE_ELEMENT, { 'value': value_to_single_key_strokes(value) })
[docs] @fluent def send_keys(self, value): """Send a sequence of key strokes. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: value(str|int|list): value can be a string, int or a list contains defined Keys. """ self._execute(Command.SEND_KEYS_TO_ACTIVE_ELEMENT, { 'value': value_to_key_strokes(value) })
[docs] @fluent def switch_to_frame(self, frame_reference=None): """Switches focus to the specified frame, by index, name, or webelement. Support: Web(WebView) Args: frame_reference(None|int|WebElement): The identifier of the frame to switch to. None means to set to the default context. An integer representing the index. A webelement means that is an (i)frame to switch to. Otherwise throw an error. Returns: WebDriver Object. """ if frame_reference is not None and type(frame_reference) not in [int, WebElement]: raise TypeError('Type of frame_reference must be None or int or WebElement') self._execute(Command.SWITCH_TO_FRAME, {'id': frame_reference})
[docs] @fluent def switch_to_parent_frame(self): """Switches focus to the parent context. Support: Web(WebView) """ self._execute(Command.SWITCH_TO_PARENT_FRAME)
[docs] def get_active_element(self): """Returns the active element in current context. Support: Web(WebView) """ return self._execute(Command.GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT)
@property def source(self): """Gets the source of the current page. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Returns: Return the source of the current page. """ return self._execute(Command.GET_PAGE_SOURCE)
[docs] def execute_script(self, script, *args): """Execute JavaScript Synchronously in current context. Support: Web(WebView) Args: script: The JavaScript to execute. *args: Arguments for your JavaScript. Returns: Returns the return value of the function. """ return self._execute(Command.EXECUTE_SCRIPT, { 'script': script, 'args': list(args)})
[docs] @fluent def execute_async_script(self, script, *args): """Execute JavaScript Asynchronously in current context. Support: Web(WebView) Args: script: The JavaScript to execute. *args: Arguments for your JavaScript. Returns: Returns the return value of the function. """ return self._execute(Command.EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT, { 'script': script, 'args': list(args)})
@property def cookies(self): """Returns all cookies associated with the address of the current context. Support: Web(WebView) """ return self._execute(Command.GET_ALL_COOKIES)
[docs] @fluent def delete_all_cookies(self): """Delete all cookies at once. Support: Web(WebView) """ self._execute(Command.DELETE_ALL_COOKIES)
[docs] @fluent def set_implicitly_wait(self, time_to_wait): """Implicit wait timeout that specifies a time to wait for the implicit element location strategy hen locating elements using Find Element and Find Elements. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: time_to_wait(int): Amount of time to wait (in seconds) Returns: WebElement Object. """ self._execute(Command.IMPLICIT_WAIT, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000})
[docs] @fluent def set_script_timeout(self, time_to_wait): """Script timeout that specifies a time to wait for scripts to run. Support: Web(WebView) Args: time_to_wait(int): Amount of time to wait (in seconds) Returns: WebElement Object. """ self._execute(Command.SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000})
[docs] @fluent def set_page_load_timeout(self, time_to_wait): """Page load timeout that specifies a time to wait for the page loading to complete. Support: Web(WebView) Args: time_to_wait(int): Amount of time to wait Returns: WebElement Object. """ self._execute(Command.SET_TIMEOUTS, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000, 'type': 'page load'})
[docs] @fluent def accept_alert(self): """Accepts the alert available. Support: iOS """ self._execute(Command.ACCEPT_ALERT)
[docs] @fluent def dismiss_alert(self): """Dismisses the alert available. Support: iOS """ self._execute(Command.DISMISS_ALERT)
@property def alert_text(self): """Gets the text of the Alert. Support: iOS """ return self._execute(Command.GET_ALERT_TEXT)
[docs] @fluent def alert_keys(self, keys): """Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog. Support: iOS Args: keys(str): The keys send to. """ self._execute(Command.SET_ALERT_VALUE, { 'text': keys })
[docs] def take_screenshot(self): """Gets the screenshot of the current window as a base64 encoded string. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Returns: Base64 encoded string of the screenshot. """ return self._execute(Command.SCREENSHOT)
[docs] @fluent def save_screenshot(self, filename, quietly = False): """Save the screenshot to local. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: filename(str): The path to save the image. quietly(bool): If True, omit the IOError when failed to save the image. Returns: WebElement Object. Raises: WebDriverException. IOError. """ imgData = self.take_screenshot() try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(b64decode(imgData.encode('ascii'))) except IOError as err: if not quietly: raise err
[docs] def element(self, using, value): """Find an element in the current context. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. Returns: WebElement Object. Raises: WebDriverException. """ return self._execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENT, { 'using': using, 'value': value })
[docs] def element_if_exists(self, using, value): """Check if an element in the current context. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. Returns: Return True if the element does exists and return False otherwise. Raises: WebDriverException. """ try: self._execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENT, { 'using': using, 'value': value }) return True except: return False
[docs] def element_or_none(self, using, value): """Check if an element in the current context. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. Returns: Return Element if the element does exists and return None otherwise. Raises: WebDriverException. """ try: return self._execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENT, { 'using': using, 'value': value }) except: return None
[docs] def elements(self, using, value): """Find elements in the current context. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. Returns: Return a List<Element | None>, if no element matched, the list is empty. Raises: WebDriverException. """ return self._execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENTS, { 'using': using, 'value': value })
[docs] def wait_for( self, timeout=10000, interval=1000, asserter=lambda x: x): """Wait for driver till satisfy the given condition Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: timeout(int): How long we should be retrying stuff. interval(int): How long between retries. asserter(callable): The asserter func to determine the result. Returns: Return the driver. Raises: WebDriverException. """ if not callable(asserter): raise TypeError('Asserter must be callable.') @retry( retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, WebDriverException), stop_max_delay=timeout, wait_fixed=interval ) def _wait_for(driver): asserter(driver) return driver return _wait_for(self)
[docs] def wait_for_element( self, using, value, timeout=10000, interval=1000, asserter=is_displayed): """Wait for element till satisfy the given condition Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. timeout(int): How long we should be retrying stuff. interval(int): How long between retries. asserter(callable): The asserter func to determine the result. Returns: Return the Element. Raises: WebDriverException. """ if not callable(asserter): raise TypeError('Asserter must be callable.') @retry( retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, WebDriverException), stop_max_delay=timeout, wait_fixed=interval ) def _wait_for_element(ctx, using, value): el = ctx.element(using, value) asserter(el) return el return _wait_for_element(self, using, value)
[docs] def wait_for_elements( self, using, value, timeout=10000, interval=1000, asserter=is_displayed): """Wait for elements till satisfy the given condition Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. timeout(int): How long we should be retrying stuff. interval(int): How long between retries. asserter(callable): The asserter func to determine the result. Returns: Return the list of Element if any of them satisfy the condition. Raises: WebDriverException. """ if not callable(asserter): raise TypeError('Asserter must be callable.') @retry( retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, WebDriverException), stop_max_delay=timeout, wait_fixed=interval ) def _wait_for_elements(ctx, using, value): els = ctx.elements(using, value) if not len(els): raise WebDriverException('no such element') else: el = els[0] asserter(el) return els return _wait_for_elements(self, using, value)
[docs] @fluent def touch(self, name, args=None): """Apply touch actions on devices. Such as, tap/doubleTap/press/pinch/rotate/drag. See more on Support: Android iOS Args: name(str): Name of the action args(dict): Arguments of the action Returns: WebDriver Object. Raises: WebDriverException. """ if isinstance(name, list) and not isinstance(name, str): actions = name elif isinstance(name, str): if not args: args = {} args['type'] = name actions = [args] else: raise TypeError('Invalid parameters.') self._execute(Command.PERFORM_ACTIONS, { 'actions': actions })